Jordan Tolman

Middle School Individuals & Societies

Jordan Tolman is one of the Individuals and Societies instructors for Alturas Prep.  He has a deep love for history, and learning from individuals and their choices.  

 Jordan has been in the health insurance world for 20 years, but had a degree in History from Weber State University.  In 2014, he started teaching health insurance to healthcare administrators at BYU-Idaho, and still does.  He realized that he loved teaching, and wanted to combine his love of history and teaching with his degree and started teaching in Springville, Utah.  He later moved to Idaho to be close to family, and was graciously received by Alturas Prep as part of the faculty.  

He is a father of 5 children (4 daughters and 1 son who is the youngest).  Some of his greatest joys are watching his children in their extracurricular activities.  He started one of Utah's first Ultimate Frisbee Clubs when he attended High School in 1997.  

When he is not spending time with his family, he is going backpacking in the wilderness in various locations.  His favorite location is Yellowstone's backcountry.